Dale Hall Community Primary School

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Year 3


 Welcome to Year 3

Our Power of Reading book this half term is 'The pebble in my pocket' by Meredith Hooper'.



Medium term plans/Parent Leaflets 

 Home Learning expectations:

In Year 3 our Home Learning expectations are:

  • Reading at least 3 times a week for 10 mins.
  • TTRS/Numbots at least 3 times a week for 5 minutes on questions not avatar. 
  • Spelling Shed at least 2 times a week for 5 minutes (spellings can be written at personal preference).


Our P.E sessions will be on a Tuesday AM and Wednesday PM. Tuesday sessions will be with the class teacher and Wednesday sessions will be run by ITFC.


Mr L Catchpole  -  Owls Teacher and Music Lead   Hey everyone. I'm Mr Catchpole and I have been at Dale Hall for 9 years. I have worked across both KS1 and KS2. I love being able to teach in year 3 as it allows me to help introduce the children into life in KS2. I love being sporty and going to the gym. I have a passion for music and cannot wait to be Music lead this year. Singing in the car is where I like to show of my musical talents the most. My classroom is a safe space for mistakes and laughter as we work together to make the difficult challenges that stretch our brains more manageable.          

Mr T Hatcher 

Hi everyone, I am into my 7th year of teaching at Dale Hall and have loved every minute. I am a keen sportsman and also have a love for Maths. I am a big Ipswich Town fan so I'm currently enjoying these good times! I am the PE Lead at the school.  My role consists of providing and ensuring the children receive exciting high quality physical education lessons, facilitating sporting fixtures, and organising tournaments across all key stages.

As well as this Health and Activities Leader and therefore will be providing an array of lunchtime and after school clubs for the children to enjoy, organising sporting trips and also equipping the children with the knowledge they need in order to live a healthy balanced lifestyle.


Mrs F Allum

I have been teaching for 19 years and have worked at Dale Hall for 16 years! I have 3 children, 1 is a police officer and lives in Newcastle, 1 is 18 and goes to 6th form and my youngest is 13 and at a local high school. I love dogs, I have 2, both are puppies!

My favourite lessons to teach are English and Maths but I find all learning enjoyable and love to help others to learn too. 

Teaching assistants 

Mrs R Gray (Owls)

Mrs C Ling (Kestrels)

Mrs A Cattermole (Kestrels)




Year Three - our learning environment