Dale Hall Community Primary School

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  • Senior Designated Person: Miss Jade Nixon
  • Senior Designated Person Alternate: Mrs Dedicoat, Mrs V Morris, Mrs Leeks and Mrs Utting.
  • Safeguarding Governor: Mr Abery-Bone
  • Chair of Governors: Mr C Cox


Safeguarding at Dale Hall

At Dale Hall we make sure every child feels they have a safe place to learn and a safe place to talk. In order for our children to thrive they need to be able to express how they feel and trust in the adults that are there to support them. As part of the RSHE curriculum we teach the fundamental building blocks and characteristics of positive relationships, with particular reference to friendships, family relationships, and relationships with other children and with adults. We enable the children to talk about how they feel in a supportive and carefully structured environment. This includes:
what sorts of boundaries are appropriate in friendships with peers and others (including in a digital context)
about the concept of privacy and the implications of it for both children and adults; including that it is not always right to keep secrets if they relate to being safe
that each person’s body belongs to them, and the differences between appropriate and inappropriate or unsafe physical, and other, contact
how to respond safely and appropriately to adults they may encounter (in all contexts, including online) whom they do not know
how to recognise and report feelings of being unsafe or feeling bad about any adult
how to ask for advice or help for themselves or others, and to keep trying until they are heard,
how to report concerns or abuse, and the vocabulary and confidence needed to do so
where to get advice, for example family, school or other sources
All of our staff at Dale Hall receive termly safeguarding updates and full safeguarding training annually. Staff have regular contact and discussions with our SENDco, designated safeguarding leads and our Family Liaison officer who will often be the first point of contact for the child and family. If you have any safeguarding concerns relating to a child or family these can be reported here.

The school's Child Protection Policy is available on the Policies page.


what you need to know about bereal.pdf


what you need to know about bereal.pdf


what you need to know about tiktok.pdf








What is Safeguarding?

Safeguarding is the action that is taken to promote the welfare of children and protect them from harm.
Safeguarding means: protecting children from abuse and maltreatment preventing harm to children’s health or development ensuring children grow up with the provision of safe and effective care taking action to enable all children and young people to have the best outcomes.
Child protection is part of the safeguarding process. It focuses on protecting individual children identified as suffering or likely to suffer significant harm. This includes child protection procedures which detail how to respond to concerns about a child.
Please clink on this link for more information.


Is it an emergency?


  • 0808 800 4005 if you're worried that a child or young person is at risk of neglect or harm, abuse
  • the police on 999
  • the NSPCC child protection helpline on 0808 800 5000
  • Local Safeguarding Children Board (LSCB)

The Local Safeguarding Children Board is made up of partners and stakeholders from a range of agencies. They are committed to the work of ensuring that all partner organisations are aware of the safeguarding arrangements that apply to all children up to the age of 18 years including unborn babies.

The board also engages with members of the local community, to increase their understanding of the work that is being carried out to help keep children safe, and what's expected of everybody when there's a concern about a child's safety in Suffolk.

Find further information, policies and guidance on the Local Safeguarding Children Board website.


Online Safety:

Safeguarding our children online is just as important as it is in the real world! It can seem a little daunting as lots of children seem to know a lot more than adults at times and the things children can do on computers and devices is simply amazing!
Technology  is evolving at such a rate it can be tricky to keep up, not to mention with all the different apps and social media platforms! However at Dale Hall we fully believe that the internet is a wonderful resource and we want to teach the children how to be the best they can be online as well as offline. Children at Dale Hall will know how to keep themselves safe and what to do if they have any concerns. Online Safety is not just taught once a year but drop fed throughout the year. 
To help parents we have highlighted some really useful websites that provide some great, up to date information about the latest apps/games and online trends so do have a look through and see the array of help and information that is out there. If you have any concerns about a child's online safety please do speak to your child's class teacher.  
NSPCC online safety advice
Common Sense Media
Thinkuknow - parents' page
Suffolk County Council - online safety advice
These websites are suitable for children to use...
KS1 - Hector's World
KS1 - CBBC stay safe topic
KS2 - Bullying
KS2 - Thinkuknow
KS2 - Kidsmart